Thursday, May 22, 2014

Update from Bone Marrow Doc.

The bone marrow doctor just got done talking to us.  He said all the bacterial and fungus infections they thought she was going to get and were so surprised she hadn't gotten yet because they expected them on day one, are all showing up at once. She has a major infection throughout her body but that is responding to the antibiotics.  The major concern is the fungus infection that is extensive through her lungs and they are pretty sure in her brain and now he added he thinks it is in her abdomine and kidneys as well. The bad news is that she is on the main antifungal medicine they use to treat fungal infections and her body is resistant to it.

In dealing with the lungs only:  They are scrambling to arrange to do a procedure this afternoon (hopefully because the sooner the better) that goes into the lungs and gets some of the fungus and washes it out etc. etc.  I didn't exactly understand but the risk is that they have to do something with her breathing and the fear is that she won't be able to respond and breathe on her own once she comes to.  Even with this risk they feel they have no choice because without the surgery/procedure the fungus will take over her lungs.

The brain he didn't even want to address until after the MRI.  He says dealing with lungs is more common and they are more comfortable and familiar with it and have a chance of treating it.  The brain is not so common and may involve brain surgery and other life saving measures.  BUT....We don't even know if it is in the brain for sure until after the MRI so  I am keeping my fingers crossed.

The silver lining.....her counts on up again today to 2100.  The docs exact words were "if she didn't have counts this would be 10 million times harder to treat".  He said if these infections would have come earlier like they thought they would, she basically wouldn't have had a chance but since she engrafted earlier (I'm 100 percent sure was an act of God) she has a chance.


  1. Oh my goodness! Thanks so much for the updates Teri. I haven't been able to stop thinking/worrying about you guys. We are praying hard, and enlisting help. Prayer is such a physical feeling, that I don't know we ever fully understand until we depend on it completely. I am so glad you all are feeling that today. I will continue watching for updates about her brain. Hang in there and let me know if you need anything at all.

  2. Thank you for sharing and keeping us all updated, that can't be easy while you are doing all you can to help her. It means the world to us all. Prayers and fasting all around for her and your family. Love you!
