Saturday, January 25, 2014

Thanks Tim and Shelbie Claybough for setting up this blog for me!

1 comment:

  1. From Spain, we catch up with the evolution of Michalla´s health through this blog. Thanks to everyone who makes this possible. Our children have been warmly welcomed by this family for the last four summer holidays, and since then, we appreciate them as our dear American family.
    Michalla, we admire your courage, your heart strength, your sense of humor… your faith. We're sorry about you are suffering so much. We wish we could ease your pain somehow.
    Michalla, you not only look like beautiful, whether you have hair or not, but what´s more important, your soul is also beautiful. And this disease is allowing everyone to be aware of this.
    When these medical treatments finish, you’ll start to feel better. Then you should seriously think about coming to Spain on holiday. We are sure that you could get better here. You'll like Spain a lot.
    Meanwhile, we send you all our love and support, dear Michalla. Don´t forget we´re looking forward to welcoming you in Spain.
    Rosa, Jesus, Adrián and David.
