Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Day 3 update

Today marks day 3 of the transplant.  Saturday is considered day zero. The mouth sores have started making it difficult to swallow.  I got corrected today.  I thought we would start seeing graft vs. host issues this week.  Everything we see these next three weeks until Michalla engrafts is all side-effects of the chemo and other drugs.  They predict by this weekend she won't be able to eat anymore and have to get 'fed' IV.  Then after she engrafts we will see how the body responds to the new bone marrow.  So....one step at a time.  We made it to transplant!  Now we will focus on making it to engraftment. Then we will focus on making it through graft vs. host issues.


  1. Wow....such a long and arduous process. She is so tough, amazes me every day. I can't wait for the uphill to be over and for the smooth road that lies ahead. Lots of love and prayers, and as always I am willing to help (kids, meals, cleaning...whatever)!

  2. We specifically fasted as a family for you again this past fast Sunday. We always pray for you in our family prayers. We LOVE you so much! Prayers that the Lord's choicest blessings will be with you!

  3. Thinking of you all each day all day!!! Love you Michalla!!! You are amazing to me. I have learned so much from you!!! Love, Cheri
